Templars Wiki

The Templars Wikia covers all the history, facts, ideals, myths and legends that make up the Knights Templar. Explore all the possibilities concerning this most esoteric of secret societies and heroic fighters. Since their recorded inception in 1139, the Poor Knights of Christ would go on to achieve lasting fame and fortune, earning for themselves the new name of the Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem or Knights Templar.

The general story of the Knights Templar, of their many myths, military history, their downfall and lasting salvation as figures of legend and idealism, is known to the public at large. What this Wiki offers is the chance to sort through all the many tales surrounding the Keepers of the Temple and to uncover for yourself the truth that lies between fact and fiction.


The Secret Of The Knights Templar

Religious Disclaimer:[]

This Wikia does not differentiate between the various strains of religious belief connected to the Knights Templar and the legacy they left behind. If you feel that certain pages or sections on this Wikia contradict your own take on the Knights of the Temple, please remember that this website is drawn from multiple sources and that somewhere in here are articles expressing your own belief system.

Also, please refrain from intentionally rewriting pages to add your own religious or philosophical interpretation to the exclusion of others.

Immediate Links:[]

The Templars Wikia is open to anyone and contains a plethora of historical and entertainment sources concerning the Knights Templar. However, below are a few links to really get your feet wet concerning the topic of the Templars.


Templars - Who We Are, Why you should Join

-The Templar Knight

-The First Templar

-Knights Templar Order

-Knights Templar International

-Knights Templar Organization

-Templar History

-Knights Templar Wikipedia Portal

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Templars Wiki has a simple structure that allows anyone to explore or post to it. The Categories page is the central hub from which any seeker of knowledge can use to explore the Wiki. It's also important because we ask that anyone who adds pages to the Templars Wiki please first read through the established Categories and add any pages they make to them.

We ask that newcomers refrain from adding their own Categories for the sake of maintaining organization here on the Templars Wiki.


The MYSTERIOUS History of The Knights Templar

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Templars guarding the holy grail by wraithdt-d944fdn